Games and learning – the state of play
Wednesday 24th October 2007, 6:30 pm
Speaker: Chris Brannigan, Caspian Learning.
Venue: The Royal Scots Club Hepburn Suite, 30 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh EH3 6QE - map and direction.
This talk is free of charge and no reservation is required. Non members are most welcome. Refreshments available from 6:10 pm.
The first wave of innovation in games and learning has passed. What have we learned? We will examine the successes and failures of games technologies in the corporate and education classroom. The successes are enhancing traditional learning approaches and offering the promise of new educational methods for collaborating, problem solving and constructing knowledge. We will look at the new wave of innovation in rapid authoring tools, virtual worlds and performance simulation that could make this possible.
About the speaker
Chris is a co-founder and the CEO of Caspian Learning. He has a background in memory research and has been developing and deploying Serious Games since 2002.
Chris undertook Learning and Memory research at both undergraduate and post graduate level at the Universities of Cardiff and St Andrews in Scotland. Chris then moved to London where he spent five years with Barclays bank, working on technology and investment related projects. Following this, Chris worked for the American technology company Razorfish. Within this role Chris explored a variety of technology initiatives and worked on investment and growth strategies for clients.
Chris set up Caspian Learning in 2002. Since that time he has led a research team to develop tools that integrate learning and memory research methods with interactive computer games technologies. These tools are now being deployed in corporations and educational institutes around the World. |