BCS Edinburgh Branch Mailing list

The BCS Edinburgh Branch makes use of two e-mail lists for communicating with BCS members and others in the Edinburgh area. We use these e-mail listst to announce Branch meetings and Branch courses. Other information that is appropriate to BCS members may also be posted on occasion. The volume of e-mail will be about two a month.

Mailing list for BCS Edinburgh Branch members - edimem

This list includes all BCS members who have selected the Edinburgh as their local Branch. This list is derived automatically from the BCS membership database. If you are a BCS member affiliated to the Edinburgh Branch then you should already be receiving information from us via this list. If you are not then you may need to update your e-mail address in the BCS contacts database. You can do this via your profile on the BCS web site at https://profile.bcs.org/profile/my-details. You will need to log in first.

Changing your contact details

As above, this may be done at https://profile.bcs.org/profile/my-details

Mailing list for non BCS members - edinnonmem

If you are not a current member of the BCS, but would still like to hear about future conferences and activities we are organising, you can subscribe to our mailing list by sending a blank e-mail to edinnonmem@lists.bcs.uk with subscribe in the subject. Please note: by joining the mailing list you are not joining the Branch itself, as membership is only open to current BCS members.

To unsubscribe from the list, you can follow the instructions in the footer of a received email or send an email to unsubscribe-edinnonmem@lists.bcs.uk.

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