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Mobile Phone Software

Phil Cooke, Chief Technology Officer, Digital Bridges

Wednesday 23rd February 2005, 6:30 pm (refreshments available from 6:10 pm)

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society, 36 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3HU (street map)

Mobile devices generally and mobile phones specifically provide a huge software development opportunity, due to their vast penetration world-wide. This puts them in an unprecedented position for interactive devices, much more prevalent than for example personal computers and games consoles. In addition the typical mobile phone user has a very different profile from the classic ‘computer nerd’ or ‘gamer’. These differences provide a unique combination of opportunities and challenges for software developers and distributors, not least the speed of ‘progress’ leading to very fast-moving targets. The talk will focus on mobile devices as software delivery platforms, examining development and publishing issues, especially for mass market products such as mobile games.

About the speaker

Phil Cooke has been CTO of Digital Bridges (www.digitalbridges.com ; www.dbigames.com) since late 2000. In that time he has overseen the technical processes associated with db becoming a leader in the burgeoning mobile games market. Previously he was laboratory director and Technical Director of Panasonic OWL in Edinburgh, leading research and development into interactive consumer electronics devices: DVD Video, interactive TV and mobile. Involved with ‘bleeding edge’ software development for rather longer than he’d care to admit, he studied Astrophysics at Edinburgh University and carried out postgraduate research in radio-astronomy at Jodrell Bank.