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.Net Compact Framework

Mike Scott

A joint meeting with the Scottish Developers

Wednesday 5th November 2003, 6:30 pm (refreshments available from 6:15 pm)

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society, 36 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3HU (street map)

The .Net Compact Framework is a subset of Microsoft's .NET technology which allows applications to be developed and deployed onto mobile devices such as PDA's, mobile phones, and hundreds of other supported mobile products. Previously, development onto such devices would be restrictive: involving specialist languages, tools and environments. Now developers have the option of developing applications in the feature rich environment of .NET.

During the session Mike will provide an introduction into the .Net Compact Framework, touch on the managed environment, garbage collection, JIT compilation, .NET security and programming with attributes - all in C#.

The knowledge gained during the initial introduction will be built upon when Mike demonstrates how easily mobile application can be developed, tested and deployed using C# and the .NET environment.

However, even although development of ..Net Compact Framework applications is relatively simple, there are many tips, tricks and hints that will be disclosed by Mike. These will save the mobile developer valuable time, prevent the usual learning headaches of new technology and lead to a frustration free experience while using the .Net Compact Framework.

Please note this will be a presentation slide free demonstration with lots of code examples that will be available from the Scottish Developers Web Community (www.scottishdevelopers.org) shortly after the session.

About the speaker

Mike Scott is one of Scotland's foremost developers, he has been a member of Team Borland (TeamB) and is a founder member and technical editor of Scottish Developers. Currently he is developing a product utilising the .Net Compact Framework and GPRS technologies. Most importantly, he is an entertaining speaker with a rich grasp of his subject.