This event is free of charge and open to all, though registration is required.
Desk Disciplines, the way you go about your daily work as a developer, can make a huge difference in the organization's ability to operate at scale, deliver working solutions, and make safe and reliable releases of software.
With the right desk disciplines, your team members can safely innovate (applying to AI among other possibilities).
Would you like to see how teams can deliver more reliably and predictably with fewer issues at release time? Let's look at some core desk disciplines.
About the speaker
Tim is a long-time programmer (since 1979), reviewer, speaker, writer. He has been active in many of the big changes in software over the past 36 years (including Design Patterns, Object-Oriented Design, and Agile software development). In addition to his contributions in "Clean Code" and "Agile In A Flash", Tim's articles appeared in the C++ Journal, Pragmatic Bookshelf, InfoQ, CIO, and SmartBear. Tim is one of the crew of experts at Industrial Logic, a premier agile consultancy, eLearning vendor, and thought leader. Here he joins with other industry experts to help people develop the skills that will make them awesome. Tim muses about of his experiences and ideas on the Agile Otter blog and the Industrial Logic company blog. Tim has writing credits in Agile In A Flash, Clean Code, and many articles scattered through old magazines and the world wide web. He is interested in becoming more effective and valuable, and in helping others do the same.