Applying Lean Agile and more to improve public service operationsRe-contextualising 20 years of learningJoint meeting with the BCS Agile Methods specialist group. Wednesday 5th April 2023, 6:30 pm. Speaker: Chris McDermott
Refreshments and networking from 6:00 pm. Refreshments kindly provided by Skyscanner. This event is free of charge and open to all, though registration is required. SynopsisIn the past 20 years (or more) the way in which we deliver software has changed beyond recognition. Along the way Lean and Agile practice has played a considerable part in this transformation. Our focus on “uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it.” has led us to develop a large number of new practices. From practices that help us manage uncertainty of large scale projects to those that encourage us to focus on the flow of work through teams and organisations and even practices that see us accelerate learning and ensure quality by sharing one keyboard across a whole team. The Lean Agile community has and continues to experiment with new ways of working to ensure we better deliver software. But how can this learning be applied to a different context, one far removed from the world of code and stories? In this talk Chris will share his experience re-contextualising practice to the context of public sector business operations. He’ll show how the use of Lean and Agile practice can help transform the delivery of public services while providing a platform to help improve the engagement of those who deliver the services. Chris will also share how Social Practice Theory can help us better understand practice and what is appropriate to introduce into this context and what is not. Learning Outcomes: About the speaker