Reforming China’s Healthcare: Challenges & OpportunitiesJoint meeting with BCS Health Informatics Scotland Wednesday 29th June 2016, 7:00 pm. Speaker: Nick Mackie, Strategic Partnerships Manager, University of Edinburgh, Usher Institute. China-based Foreign Correspondent 2003-2012 Venue: Room 4.31, University of Edinburgh Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AB. This event is free of charge and open to all. No registration required - just turn up. Refreshments and networking from 6:30 pm. UKCHIP endorses the event as suitable for Continuing Professional Development by health informatics professionals.
SynopsisChina has over 20,000 hospitals – around half are state managed, half owned and managed by privately owned and publicly listed companies. Of the country’s 3.7 million hospital beds, 78% are in the state sector. The Central Government is in the early days of implementing a new 5-year roadmap for healthcare reform, which includes a 30% increase in hospital beds in state-run hospitals and a 2-fold increase in the number of privately invested hospitals. This target could generate 400,000 new private hospital beds each year. By 2020, annual healthcare expenditure is expected to reach £700 billion. The data comparing China with OECD countries clearly shows why a large scale physical expansion is vital:
And it’s not as if the Chinese are healthier. Deaths from all major non-communicable diseases (including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases) are 60% higher than OECD countries per 100,000 of population. With China ageing - by 2035 its percentage of over 65s is projected to be higher than OECD countries – the government recognises the urgency to ride the wave of reform. This is not just about providing decent services for citizens. It’s a matter of national security. But as Nick Mackie will argue, where there’s reform, there’s also opportunity. While China is magnificent at building hard infrastructure, it lags in terms of soft skills such as training, education, quality improvement, service delivery. There’s also a need to develop medical informatics and the demand for digital health solutions is huge. About the speaker