Finding Your Perfect Weather with Apache Spark and Docker: a recipe for a successful hackathonWednesday 1st June 2016, 6:30 pm. Speaker: Radek Ostrowski. Venue: Room 4.31, University of Edinburgh Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AB. This event is free of charge and open to all. No registration required - just turn up. Refreshments and networking from 6:00 pm.
SynopsisThis presentation tells a story of a hackathon where mixing a cool idea with the latest technologies has resulted in the grand prize and the fan favourite award of the IBM Sparkathon with nearly 600 participants. It will describe the key technologies used and how they were effectively combined in the context of the Bluemix platform. Additionally, it will present a recipe for a successful hackathon. My Perfect Weather service: http://myperfectweather.eu. Hackathon project: http://devpost.com/software/my-perfect-weather. About the speaker