From the Internet of things to Smart Dust
Wednesday 2nd December 2015, 6:30 pm.
Speaker: Professor Julie McCann FBCS, Imperial College.
Venue: Room 4.31, University of Edinburgh Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AB.
This event is free of charge and open to all. No registration required - just turn up.
Refreshments and networking from 6:00 pm.
This meeting is supported by NCR.
I will introduce a future where computers are embedded in everything and
what the technological and social challenges for that is (such systems
sometimes are called the Internet of Things). I'll discuss some of our
current work in this area which has been deployed across London. From
this I will demonstrate some of the coding tricks we use to make these
systems resilient and efficient using bio-inspired algorithms that mimic
fireflies and ants etc. Finally, I'll discuss a future that will see
such technologies miniaturized down to dust.
About the speaker
Julie McCann [FBCS] is Professor of Computer Systems at Imperial
College. Her work focuses on decentralised algorithms and protocols for low-powered sensing and control systems
that dynamically adapt to their environments. She has over 100 publications, authored Autonomic
Computing: Principles, Design and Implementation (Springer, 2013), and has accumulated over £10M
research funding.
McCann is currently PI for the Intel Collaborative Institute on Sustainable Cities, and Co-I
for Cisco Future Cities, both the NEC and FP7 WISDOM (619795) smart water initiatives and the NERC FUSE:
Floodplain Underground Sensing Network project (NERC/I00694X/1).