Computers and DisabilityJoint meeting with IET (Scotland South East)Wednesday 8th February 2012, 7:00 pm. Speakers: Martha Lester-Cribb of Pass IT On, Sandy Kerr of Pass IT On and UcanDoIT and Dr Alison Crerar of IT Can Help (ITCH). Room 4.31 (fourth floor), University of Edinburgh Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AB - map (click on Informatics Forum in the list of buildings). Refreshments and networking from 6:30 pm. This event is free of charge and open to all. No registration required - just turn up. SynopsisPass IT OnPass IT On was founded in 2002 by Martha Lester-Cribb and Sandy Kerr, who manage the charity. Pass IT On adapts donated computers for people with disabilities who live in the EH (Edinburgh) post code area. There is 1 full-time member of staff, a part-time administrator and a team of about 40 volunteers. Pass IT On also provide work placements for people who have extra support needs. Martha will describe the motivation to set up Pass IT On and its development, and will go on to explain the impact its work can have on clients, work placement trainees and volunteers. UCanDoITUCanDoIT is a UK-wide charity which exists to teach disabled people computer and internet skills. Tutors work 1:1 with students in their own homes on their own computers. In Scotland this service is currently available in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Perth. Sandy will explain how U Can Do IT works and how it dovetails with Pass IT On. ITCH (IT Can Help)IT Can Help is a UK-wide network of volunteers who provide free technical support to disabled people. This talk will describe how IT Can Help came into being, how it is organised and the service it provides. An overview of UK activities will be given before talking in more detail about the teams in Scotland. Examples will be given of clients who have benefited from the service, and aspirations for future development. About the speakers