A Quantum of Computing
Wednesday 13th July , 6:30 pm.
Speaker: Dave McMahon, Ridgian.
Room 4.31 (fourth floor), University of Edinburgh Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AB - map (click on Informatics Forum in the list of buildings).
Dave McMahon provides his own look into the far future with a brief resume of the world of Quantum Computing. Sounds too Sci-Fi? Too Fantastic? Maybe, but people are today seriously researching Quantum Computing and Quantum Computing Devices. Some companies claim to have already created them, others refute the claims, and the reasons why there is some controversy will be covered in this session. It'll be fun, mind-blowing and you get a glimpse of what could be in store for us in the coming years and why the future of Search may be in harnessing the power of the sub-atomic and why SSL's future prospects may not be so rosy ...
About the speaker
Dave McMahon is a SharePoint MVP and is Software Systems Architect for Ridgian a Microsoft Gold Partner who specialise in BI, SharePoint, Data Integration and Custom Web Applications. Over his 15 years in the industry following a career in the RAF, Dave has worked and gained extensive experience of SQL Server, XML/XSLT and ASP.NET Web Application Development. He has worked at Ridgian for the past 8 years delivering solutions to the public and private sector. In the last 4 years he has specialised in SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010 solutions delivered successfully to NHS Organisations, Waste Disposal Companies, Legal Firms and Local Councils.
Dave is very active in the UK Community and is a co-founder and Birmingham Regional Co-ordinator for The Next Generation User Group, one of the largest and most active User Groups in the UK today with 8 regions around the UK, and meetings every month on the whole range of Microsoft Developer Technologies. He has spoken at User Group meetings, at the UK Community DDD events in the UK and Ireland, at SQLBITS and at TechEd Europe. |