Cloud Computing: Location, Location, LocationWednesday 10th February 2010, 6:30 pm. Speaker: Duncan Johnston-Watt, CEO, Cloudsoft Corporation. Room G.07, University of Edinburgh Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AB - map. This talk is free of charge. Refreshments available from 6:00 pm. SynopsisThere are many factors that contribute to the efficient delivery of an application or service in the cloud but paradoxically its location is one of the most important. Without application mobility it is impossible to optimize the delivery of an application or service and providing hooks for managing location based on policy and the ability to dynamically migrate an application or one of its components from one location to another at runtime are essential features of any cloud middleware or platform-as-a-service offering. Application mobility also makes it dramatically easier to support the hybrid cloud computing model bridging between private cloud and trusted third party cloud providers. In this talk we will cover -
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