Network PCs
Paul Anderson,
IBM Network Computer Division
Wednesday 13 May 1998. at 6.00pm
Thomson's Land, Moray House Institute of
6.00pm. Drinks
6.15pm. The BCS Edinburgh Branch
6.30pm. Network PCs
The talk will initially deal with the Network Computing model, what it is, why
it exists, what has driven it and what advantages does it bring to business. It will cover
the business issues that all organisations face in the late nineties and how IT has an
immensely important part to play in reacting to these pressures. We then move on to the
elements of Network Computing the Server... the Network... and the Client and the
attribute we should be looking for it each.
Opening the discussion up we will discuss Microsoft's new Terminal Server Software and
how this enhances and reinforces the Network Computing model. Then we move onto the IBM
Network Station and why we, and thousands of businesses, believe it is the Network
Computer market leader. Finally we discuss cost of ownership and how Network Computers can
achieve major cost savings over PC's.