BCS Edinburgh Branch

The good, the bad and the downright ugly.
Experiences from the world of
object-oriented project management

Iain Gavin, Rational Software

 Wednesday 10 December 1997. 6.00pm

  Thomson's Land, Moray House Institute of Education

Iain Gavin will give a brief insight into the world of object-oriented project management. In particular, experiences gained from applying a risk-driven iterative process across a number of different projects both in the UK and abroad. Topics covered will include:

Iain holds a Bsc(hons) in computer science. After leaving college he worked on a number of projects within the military arena, before joining Rational Software 7 years ago as a technical consultant. Iain has worked with a number of financial services, telecoms, process control and real-time companies to adopt object technology. Recently, he joined the marketing dept of Rational UK and speaks regularly on the topics of using software as a strategy asset, OOAD and OOPM.