Agile is so old hat, all the cool kids are doing lean now

Wednesday 11th May , 6:30 pm.

Speaker: Richard Fennell, Black Marble Ltd.

Room 4.31/4.33 (fourth floor), University of Edinburgh Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AB - map (click on Informatics Forum in the list of buildings). Refreshments are available prior to the meeting. These will be at the back of the meeting room rather than the usual place of the "mini-forum" around the corner. This is because of another event in the mini-forum.


An introduction to agile methods, specifically scrum and kanban. This is a talk with no demo's and usually only a couple of slides. It is aimed at a wide audience including developers, tester project managers and IT managers.

About the speaker


I am the Engineering Director of the Black Marble Ltd a Microsoft Gold Partner based in the North of England. Black Marble specialises in BizTalk & SharePoint based business automation.

As Engineering Director I am responsible for the delivery of systems and tools to allow my company, and our clients, to deliver solutions efficiently. All Black Mable's development activity is underpinned by Visual Studio Team System an agile process model. I am a MVP for Visual Studio ALM (nee Team System), an ALM Ranger, a Typemock MVP and a Certified Scrum Master. I am a regular presenter at community events in the UK and Ireland (and the rest of the world given a chance) where my most common subject is software testing and the development process.

If you want to get in touch please use the contact form on my blog or follow my Twitter feed @RichardFennell.

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